Thursday 29 September 2011

Mathematics + Me = 0.

  • My love for you is like a mirror.. You can break it into a million pieces but when you look close.. You're still in it...
  • My life would be so much easier now if i'd never met you...
  • The best things in life are better unseen thats why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry, and dream..
  • Did I have to walk away for you to appreciate me??
  • When i think about you, i have to remind myself that if he wanted to talk to me then he would...
  • There is no time to stand and stare, there is no time to sit and cry - life will go on whether you are ready for it or not.

A Good Women~

Do things that you're good at..~

A good woman is proud. She respects herself and others.
She is aware of who she is. She neither seeks definition
from the person she is with, nor does she expect them to
read her mind. She is quite capable of articulating her needs.

A good woman is hopeful. She is strong enough to make all
her dreams come true. She knows love, therefore she gives
love. She recognizes that her love has great value and must be
reciprocated. If her love is taken for granted, it soon disappears.

A good woman has a dash of inspiration and a dabble of endurance.
She knows that she will at times have to inspire others to reach
their full potential. A good woman knows her past, understands
her present and forces toward the future.

A good woman does not live in fear of the future because of her
past. Instead, she understands that her life experiences are
merely lessons meant to bring her closer to self-knowledge and
unconditional self-love.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Hanya seketika..~

kenapa?kenapa perasaan cinta ini xdapat diteruskan selamanya?knapa hati mesti berubah mengikut masa?aku da tak tahan duduk dalam bilik ni! keadaan bilik ni buat aku rasa sedih, bosan dan sepi...walaupun cuaca dingin tapi x sedikit pun buat aku rasa selesa..pada aku cinta tu ibarat mcm teh depan aku nie..wangi,sedap dan buat aku rasa selesa untuk di minum panas2. tp klu di biarkan sejuk ia ibarat segelas air yg x berbau dan pahit..~ aku sedar dengan perasaan aku skrg nie..aku juga terlupa apa yg berlaku smpai buat aku jd mcm nie..apa yg aku tau sekarang, aku hnya nak menangis tnpa menitiskan setitik air mata pun..walaupun pengenalan itu terlalu singkat pada ia cukup meninggalkan kesan yg dlam utk idup ku..ia nya sentiasa bermain dlm minda aku...dan aku tersungkur lagi... setiap perkara yang berlaku, setiap perkataan yang die sebut cuma menambahkan kesedihan pada aku...semuanya da berakhir..yg tnggal hnya la kenangan2 yg xmudah utk aku pdam kenapa ia mesti berakhir??kenapa??aku ke yang silap??segala nya msih tepu dengan persoalan...cuma..keadaan da berubah..smua nya berlaku dgn pantas nya...aku sebenarnya yg pilih jalan nie..dan aku tau,kau jugak suka dgn keputusan aku..kau bahagia..bahagia dgn die..dan aku bukan bacul..dan aku bukan orang yang sanggup membiar kan keadaan melukakan aku satu hari nanti..berpisah adalah jawapan yang paling tepat..hnya kerana kecurangan menghancurkan segala nya..keputusan ini mmg tepat..da x ada peluang lagi dan nyata ini bukan salah aku..aku xperlukan apa pun alasan!!
'goodbye..goodbye...thought the love could be forever..everytime i cant manage..everytime i let it go...goodbye....goodbye...."
kenapa nasib aku mcm nie..susah sgt ke nak jumpa cinta sejati?aku ke yg salah?mampu ke aku mcintai org lain satu hari nnt?hari ni aku kecewa dgn org ketiga, akan dtg? knapa dia buat aku mcm nie?arghh....! ouhh god..why me??

Monday 26 September 2011

My New Nike Shoes~

I want to show you the new shoes I got!! women...i think Nike has some really neat designs diz season... they'r all so colorfu!! funky!! modern..pinky...futuristic and everything wonderful i nver tot sportswear was possible to achieve...and now check out my new shoes..
Few more poses..
and pose...hehehhee...nice or not? I bet you want to get hold of these brand new collection of Nike women shoes right now. :p Poison you. kekeke...

Wednesday 21 September 2011

aku rasa nak pergi bercuti jek skrg...menenangkan pkiran yg tgh serabut nie...!! ermm mane nak pergi nie...byk keje lg xsempat nak settle da kul 2am...but i still cant sleep..ouhh dear my brain..i need to sleep la :'( urmm lately nie aku asyik tdo lewat jek...tlalu byk benda yg aku pkir kan...kdg2 rasa nak jek amik pil tido drpd berterusan mcm nie kan..ermm tp takut mmudarakan diri sndri plak kan...smbil x bleh tdo nie..layan jek blog mane yg ada..aku tertarik ngn satu blog nie..ermm minah nie pun minat travel jugak...ngeee seronok sgt tgk pic2 die pegi travel..mmg syok sgt la kan...aku plak yg feel excited...!! hahahhha....~

Monday 19 September 2011

When will this pain stop?

The most painful thing in the world, is not NOT being 2 tell the person how much he meant 2 you....The most painful thing in life, is 2 see, with your own eyes, the love of ur life falling 4 someone else in front of you and you can’t do anything about it...

how many times can a heart break? How broken can a heart shatter???how deep...can a heart hurt??No matter where you are, my visuals are only meant 4 you and you alone... You outshine all and above the rest and in my eyes, you are perfect... And everything around you just tend 2 blur out...But do you notice me???

So painful till you can’t with stand any longer?? So painful till you want 2 hurt yourself, 2 divert that pain 2 something more physical... 2 work till you fall ill...2 intoxicate urself until reality detaches itself from you...! 2 run away so 2 avoid facing the truth...! 2 cut urself bcause it hurts so much on the inside you rather it hurts on the outside...You close your eyes, and hope you will never need 2 wake up tomorrow, and forever live in ur dream. Nothing changes in dreams..

Things done, time spent, moments shared… it all seem meaningless now... Suddenly everything that were wonderful, everything that kept me prancing in the morning, humming while taking a shower, smile sillily while working/playing/watching a horror movie, became memories in an instant...~And the pain rouses up and it hurts, oh it hurts badly... How can such beautiful memories turn into something so painful, a nightmare that haunts you every night, every waking hour, for what feels like an eternity??A friend once told me, the most painful experience, is 2 see the love of ur life, falling in love with the person you trust the most...Another friend shared with me.. the ultimate pain is 2 love someone so deeply and be loved in return, and 2 see him go back 2 the arms of another woman every night...Cheat. Betrayal. 2 be cheated and 2 cheat...!! 2 betray and be betrayed...!! How broken can a heart break?!!How hurt can a heart hurt??!!

It has been raining non stop these few days, as though the sky empathizes how I feel... Does it rain because god understands the agony I’m going through inside..or because I am sad..therefore it rains...The coldness of this wet weather freezes my heart, or it is because I’m already frozen inside..I press my hand over to my chest close to my beating heart..“Yes I’m still alive.”

One Of My Dream's~

Sometimes when I'm stressed, I thought about my dream job to be a travel photographer.Of course I thought about a lot of other things too. Like being a jeweler, for one, or being a PR for fancy parties, so that I could dress in glamorous dresses every night, meeting glamorous people....But that's just how it appeared in my mind, which is, by no doubt, far from truth. Think about all the difficult people I need to handle, with my straightforwardness, I'll be fired in a second the moment I sound a rude client...I need to change that...Life's been a little tough lately. And it gets a little tougher, by day, by night...I have resort to sleeping pills these few days, and nights, and have refused to switch on my phone most of the time. This is the first time I got online since three days ago...It just feels hard, everything feels hard, even breathing feels hard...Been living on books, leaping from one story to another tale. It's the only way I can allow myself a little bit of denial, a little bit of space to breath...Nothing seems right when I wake, or sleep. Dreams, that haunt me...Feeling too tired to go on, too tired to stay, too hard to leave, too painful to decide... If only...

Tuesday 13 September 2011

The only reason everyone holds on the memories so tightly is becuase memories are the only things that don't change when everyone does~

mengapa semua orang mengatakan bahwa cinta itu indah
mengapa semu orang mengatakan bahwa cinta itu kebahagiaan
padahal bagiku cinta itu sangat menyakitkan
cinta itu pengkhianatan
cinta tak pernah ada pengorbanan
cinta hanya membawa kehancuran
tak ada cinta yang indah didunia ini
tak ada cinta sejati didunia ini
karna cinta sejati hanya milik yang kuasa
aku tlah hancur karna cinta
dan tak ada yang dapat mengembalikan diriku seperti dulu
diriku yang selalu bahagia sebelum mengenal apa itu cinta....~

Terjebak Dalam Sakitnya Cinta~

Rasa cinta membuat aku bahagia
Rasa resah membuat aku sedih

Akan tetapi telah ku rasakan
Mencintai seseorang yang ku anggap musuh
Karna seseorang yang selalu ku cintai meninggalkanku untuk selamanya

Hati terasa sepi, hampa dan sedih
Ku ingin menangis
Tapi air mata ini tak bisa mengeluarkan setetes air mata pun
Orang yang selalu ku cintai selalu mencintai aku tuk selamanya

Cinta adalah seperti kain kanvas
Selalu utuh
Dan tak mungkin di pakai lagi...

Cinta Itu Indah, Cinta Itu datang tak disangka-sangka…
Cinta Itu Hangat meski jauh entah dimana,
cinta Itu seperti angin, menghembus-membelai relung hati kita…

hanya dirinya yang ada di pikiran,
tak peduli lagi dunia…
tak terlihat lagi kekurangan apapun yang berada padanya
itulah kenapa cinta menjadi buta
tak terdengar lagi suara-suara dunia yang mencela hubungan ini
itulah sebabnya cinta tuli…

ku sering tersenyum mengingat-ingat kenangan kita berdua
ku sering menangis menyadari kanyataan keadaan kita
ku terus berharap semua kembali
ku terus berdo’a hanya kau pemilik hati…

apapun semua perasaan tak menyenangkan kini bercampur
merubah raut wajahku
dari senyum menjadi cemberut
dari berseri menjadi suram
dari bahagia menjadi dilema merana…

ingin ku menangis terus…
terus…terus… terus…
hingga tetes terakhir air kepedihan ini…
hingga tak terasa lagi sakit ini,

apa aku harus mati?
ku pikir tak perlu…
biar lah kutahan rasa tak menyenangkan ini,
sampai aku mati…~

Antara Kekasih dan Kawan

Ramai orang mengutamakan KAWAN dari KEKASIH... dan ada juga mengutamakan KAWAN kerana KEKASIH... ANDA tergolong dari yang mana...???

hadirnya seorang KEKASIH sejati sebagai pelengkap kehidupan dan mengisi kekosongan hati ...hadirnya KAWAN sebagai sahabat sejati ...berkongsi segala suka duka dan teman sepermainan dan belajar ....

Antara KAWAN dan KEKASIH Yang mana harus dipilih..? KAWAN pengubat kesunyian, KEKASIH penyembuh kelukaan.

Antara KAWAN dan KEKASIH yang mana harus didahulukan..? KAWAN tempat mengadu, KEKASIH tempat bermadu.

Antara KAWAN dan KEKASIH Keduanya tak bisa disisih... KAWAN menghulurkan bantuan KEKASIH menghulurkan sokongan.

Antara KAWAN dan KEKASIH Keduanya diperlukan... KAWAN sekuntum senyuman, KEKASIH sepenuh perhatian

Antara KAWAN dan KEKASIH Bilakah akan bersatu...? KAWAN sejujur kata, KEKASIH setulus setia KEKASIH silih berganti Kerana tiada kesefahaman.. tetapi KAWAN sentiasa disisi mendengar masalah dan mengambil berat tentang diri kita

JIKA KAWAN itu KEKASIH...dan KEKASIH itu KAWAN... perlu lah dihadiahkan "Sedalam lautan Setinggi kayangan" kerana "Kasih sayang tiada sempadan" tapi sayang... KEKASIH tetap KEKASIH... KAWAN tetap KAWAN... perbezaannya terlalu ketara.. tapi keadaannya tetap sama

Monday 12 September 2011

Kau yang membuat aku tersenyum, dan kau juga membuat ku menangis...tbe2 trasa takut,seram,kecewa skit....bler teringat hal2 yg lepas....trying 2 forget..but its so hard..~

Sunday 11 September 2011

I Miss You Mr.A...!!!

it's hard to forget u.
today i'm doing well
tomorrow i'm missing u
today i'm laughing
tomorrow i'm crying
i really cant do this.
feels like i wanna run to u
and says that i'm still love u
i wanna hug u
it's been ages since
i saw ur face
i know u doing well
u dont even think of me rite
u dont even remember me
i miss u .
u had move on
but i'm still
stucked here
waiting for u to come back
saying that
u still love me
i'm really mean it
i need u...~

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Suprise Present From My BFF's

thanks for my bff Chempaka Dewi,madah2 ko so sweet la..Ct Amiena,nie smua idea ko kan!!Norhidayah Mansor,xpe..nnt ade mse kte lepak sme ok..Saiful Effendy Zarani,wlupn jauh dmta tp dkt d'aty..Zairul Rafiq,tpranjat tbe2 ade kt muar smlm..tq Raja Moha..Lijah,thanks gurl..ehhe n geng2 Ipoh suprise la babe..tbe2 abg.pos laju antar hadiah kan..dpt new ring n new shoes..!!i really appreciate la..anyway,thanks alot..aku wish smoga psahabatan kte kekal ke akhir hayat dgn izin dr Nya..and thanks to cheda gak.. :d bwuekkk hadiah last ttp appy!! ahhaha thanks to allz..

My Dreams Bedroom~

ngah bcadang nak tukar kaler bilik aku nie..ehhehehe..skrg masih warna pink xtau sama ada nak kekal kan atau apa..hahaha nampak mcm x mcabar la asyik warna pink jek..hhehehhe umur pun makin msih confused nak pilih kaler will always have a place in my heart! This color has a way of making a room come to life...!! so how??

yang nie pun nampak menarik gak..huhuhu tp skit nampak mcm bdk2 la plak kan..

confused..hahah yg nie pun ok..matang jek nampak kan..

atau paling simple...yang niee..

and finaly aku...